

Gas Source = Wastewater treatment plant
Rated capacity = 65 Nm3/h
Rated power = 7,5 kW
Inlet pressure = 10 mBar(g)
Operating pressure = 4 Bar(g)
Gas dew point at discharge = +2°C

Installation of a gas compressor in a CHP cogeneration plant based on Fuell Cell fueled by Hydrogen derived by purified biogas. The FC system is composed of 3 units, each generating 58 kW el. power. Recovered heat is used to warm up the sludge entering into the digester.

Gas Source = Wastewater treatment plant
Rated capacity = 60 Nm3/h
Rated power = 7,5 kW
Inlet pressure = 10 mBar(g)
Operating pressure = 4 bar(g)
Gas dew point at dicharge = +2°C

Installation of a gas compressor in a CHP cogeneration plant based on Fuell Cell fueled by natural gas (from national grid). The heat produced by the CHP system is used to generate hot water, steam and electricity