

Gas Source = anaerobic digestion plant
Rated capacity = 200 Nm3/h
Rated power = 22 kW
Inlet pressure = 100 mBar(g)
Operating pressure = 15 Bar(g)
Gas dew point at discharge = 10°C

Installation of a biogas compressor in an upgrading facility, aimed at injecting the refined biomethane into the grid. The raw biogas is fine-filtered and dried after compression, before feeding the CO2 removal system.

Gas Source = anaerobic digestion plant
Rated capacity = 200 Nm3/h
Rated power = 22 kW
Inlet pressure = 100 MBar(g)
Operating pressure = 15 bar(g)
Gas dew point at dicharge = 10°C

Installation of a biogas compressor in an upgrading facility, aimed at injecting the refined biomethane into the grid. The raw biogas is fine-filtered and dried after compression, before feeding the CO2 removal system.